You can just call me Julie...

Well today I dominated my kitchen.  Our group didn't get to meet on Sunday so we had our meal tonight.  Our Menu:  Fried Chicken, Mac and Cheese (Its Jake's request every time), fried okra, crescent rolls, and for dessert, no-bake cookies.  Once again, Pioneer Woman did not disappoint.  I watched Julie and Julia on TV the other night and it got me thinking.  That would be kind of fun to cook through a whole cookbook.  Well, I don't really want to cook through a french cook book but why not PW's?  So, that's what Im doing. So far I have only cooked like 5 but hey that's a start.  So let me tell you about today's recipe.  I decided to do homemade fried chicken.  Well, buying pre-cut chicken would have been the easy route to go but I decided to do it exactly like she does.  So yes, I cut up a whole chicken today.  It was quite a accomplishment.  I do not like to handle raw meat and this was 10 times worse.  I had to watch a Pampered Chef video on YouTube to even know where to begin but I did it!  And let me tell you, it was delicious!
I will keep you updated on my cookbook, but that won't be the only thing I blog about.  Have a good night! Here are the B & A's



Whole Meal: (Minus Crescent Rolls)


suzspeaks said…
Laura, that looks so good! I love to cook and cook a lot (and have made tons of pw recipes)... I cook with whole chickens all the time, but I've never cut one up for frying. I'm proud of you and impressed! ha!

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